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Tag Archives | Coronavirus

section 8 participant resources

COVID-19 Waivers Updated December 21, 2021

The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) releases public notice of HUD waivers utilized during COVID-19 pandemic, updated as of  December 31, 2021. Note that most waivers below other than HCV-3 relating to term of vouchers expire on 12/31/21 or have already expired. HUD-Issued COVID-19 Waivers The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued […]

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Halloween Holiday Safety

Holiday Safety During COVID

The fall and winter holidays bring fun, food, friends, and family. Yet the COVID-19 pandemic brings unique challenges this holiday season.  Staying home and avoiding contact with people you don’t live with is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. We know that can be hard. Friday, the Governor will share more […]

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Visitor Policy

PHA Vendor, Partner, Visitor Policy

PHA Visitor Policy updated for vendors, partners and others who enter PHA buildings in light of COVID-19.  The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) has updated its Visitor Policy for vendors, partners, and others entering PHA buildings in light of health risks associated with COVID-19. The Policy is only one of the many ways the PHA is […]

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COVID-19 Testing

PHA Brings COVID-19 Testing Home

Providence Housing Brings COVID-19 Testing Home The path to that first testing site was not linear.  It was fairly early in the State’s ramp up of testing and most everyone’s focus was on hospital capacity, nursing homes and congregate care facilities, and trying to survive under the stay-at-home order.  Most everyone, that is, except the […]

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section 8 participant resources

COVID-19 Waivers Being Used By PHA

The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) releases public notice of HUD waivers utilized during COVID-19 pandemic. HUD-Issued COVID-19 Waivers The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a series of waivers which PHAs may utilize to adopt public housing and housing choice voucher (section 8) program operations to the COVID-19 emergency. The most […]

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Providence Housing Authority
