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Family Programs




Resident adults are offered opportunities for lifelong learning and the acquisition of skills necessary to improve income and attain self-sufficiency. Services include  Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, Basic Computer instruction, Workforce Development, Financial Literacy, and Homeownership.

ADULT EDUCATION – The PHA offers year round Adult Basic Education (ABE) instruction and GED Preparation (English & Spanish), as well as English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.

JOBS PLUS PROVIDENCE (JPP)JPP is a four-year initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help residents increase their skills, knowledge, and income. The Providence Housing Authority launched JPP in April, 2017 at its Hartford Park and Manton Heights family developments.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) – The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) grant program is an IRS initiative designed to support free tax preparation services for the underserved through various partner organizations. This service helps low to moderate income individuals, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English speakers file their taxes each year.

JOB TRAINING – The PHA partners with local service providers to offer a variety of job training opportunities throughout the year.

COMPUTER EDUCATION – The PHA maintains a computer lab for resident use at each of its developments. Basic and intermediate digital literacy classes are available at specific sites free of charge.

FAMILY SELF-SUFFICIENCY (FSS) – The PHA’s FSS program helps public housing and Section 8 residents achieve economic independence through gainful employment.

FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY CENTER (FOC) – FOC staff provide Income Supports and Financial Counseling as well as Employment Supports to residents and other low-income families in the community.



The PHA provides the following programs and services for Youth to develop the skills necessary to advance educationally as well as personally:

PROVIDENCE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB (BGC) – The PHA partners the BGC to provide on site programming during out of school time for youth and teens at three PHA family developments – Chad Brown, Hartford Park and Manton Heights. For information or to enroll your child in a program call BGC at (401) 444-0750 or visit their website.

HEAD START PROGRAM – The PHA also hosts this program at its Manton Heights family development. For information or to enroll your preschooler call Children’s Friend and Service at (401) 752-7500 or visit their website.

Youth & Police Initiative (YPI) – YPI is a community-based intervention program intended to bring about positive changes in relationships between urban police departments and local at-risk youth. YPI engages up to 15 at risk youth ages 13-18 with the police officers who patrol their neighborhoods in a four-week interactive training program that seeks to prevent gang involvement, reduce crime and limit delinquency among city teens experiencing conflict.

Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) – The YLA is a 10-week leadership program designed to empower and educate underserved youth living in Providence. Eligible participants are successful graduates of the YPI program between the ages of 13 and 18 living in public housing.

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Providence Housing Authority
