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Public Notice: Annual Documents and 5 Year Plan Comment Period

UPDATE (3/18/2020):  Due to COVID-19, the PHA has moved its annual plan public hearing to a teleconference. The phone call will be held on Friday, March 20th at 10am as originally scheduled. The meeting will remain open until at least 10:30am and will stay open as long as needed to collect comments. Anyone interested in participating must call in to the following number to participate: 605-313-4100, and then dial the access code 575345. Anyone needing a reasonable accommodation to participate should call 401-709-1102 or email PHA is also extending the period to receive written and emailed public comments until Friday, March 27th. Written comments can go to or to Peter Asen, Providence Housing Authority, 100 Broad St, Providence, RI 02903. All draft documents for public review including the PHA’s proposed annual plan, five year agency plan, five year capital fund program, and Admissions and Continuing Occupancy Plan, will remain posted on PHA’s website,, through March 27. 

Public Comment Period now open!

The Documents Available for Comment / Los Documentos Disponibles para Comentar

Five Year Plan & Capital Fund Final Rule

The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) will conduct a public comment period for the FY 2020 Five Year Plan and FY 2020 Five Year Capital Fund Final Rule beginning on February 3, 2020 and ending on March 20, 2020 during business hours, 8:30am-4:30pm, at 100 Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Providence, RI 02903. All comments will be collected at the PHA’s office during the comment period. Please send written comments to:

Providence Housing Authority

Office of Strategy and Development

Attn: PHA Five Year Plan and Capital Fund Final Rule Comments

100 Broad Street

Providence, RI 02903

The Public Hearing is scheduled for the following time and location:

Friday, March 20, 2020 at 10:00 AM

PHA Administrative Offices

100 Broad Street, 2nd Floor

Providence, RI 02903

PHA residents, Housing Choice Voucher participants and the general public are invited to attend and provide comments at the Hearing and/or to submit written comments during the public comment period.

The Public Hearing is being held in an accessible location. If you require assistance, sign language interpreter or other accommodations, please call 401-709-1134. Please use the AT&T Relay Service for TTY.

Plan Anual FY 2020 y la Regla Final del Fondo de Capital

Empezando el febrero 3, 2020 – hasta marzo 20, 2020, durante las horas de 8:30am – 4:30 pm., la Autoridad de Vivienda de Providence (PHA), tendrá para el público, la oportunidad de ofrecer comentarios, por escrito, sobre el Plan Anual, La Regla Final y la reafirmación de la designación de dos edificios para mantenerlos para ancianos solamente. Favor mandar sus comentarios por escrito a:

Autoridad de Vivienda de Providence

Oficina de Estrategia y Desarrollo

Comentarios del Plan Anual y la Regla Final del Fondo de Capital

100 Broad Street

Providence, RI 02903

También se invitan los residentes de PHA, participantes de Sección 8 y al público en general, a asistir y presentar comentarios en la siguiente audiencia pública. La cual se llevará a cabo:

20 de marzo de 2020 a las 10:00 a.m.

Oficinas Administrativas, Piso Segundo

100 Broad Street

Providence, RI 02903

La audiencia pública será accesible para personas necesitando adaptaciones especiales, interprete de lengua de signos, o alguna ayuda, por favor llame a 401-709-1134. Utilice el servicio de transmisión AT& T para TTY.

Comments are closed.
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Providence Housing Authority
