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Board of Commissioners Meeting April 30, 2020

On Thurday, April 30, 2020 at 5:30 PM, the Providence Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners will be hold a special meeting via Zoom and conference call.

Pursuant to RI Executive Order 20-05 signed by Governor Gina Raimondo and guidance provided by legal counsel, the Providence Housing Authority (PHA) will conduct this meeting using telephone and online communications due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).  The public may access this meeting by computer/tablet/smartphone using Zoom or via phone by dialing into the toll-free number below and entering the meeting code.  *Note: using a tablet or smartphone may require downloading the free Zoom app.

Join the meeting with Zoom or call-in toll-free to: 888-788-0099.  Meeting Code: 871 0130 9631.

Anyone having problems accessing the meeting can contact Ainsley Cantoral at 401-419-5121 during the meeting for assistance being connected.

Meeting Agenda

  2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES from April 1, 2020 meeting (Vote)
  4. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT on Agency developments since April 1, 2020 meeting including on-going COVID-19 emergency operations and responses, new HUD Waiver, emerging emergency funding, and retirement plan (Discussion)
  5. RESOLUTION #4294: To approve PHA’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief Funding applications to the City of Providence (Vote)
  6. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND FACILITIES UPDATE with a focus on developments in the month of April and impacts of COVID-19, from Allan Pacific, Director of Facilities Management
    1. Resident Services Committee Report on resident services program and funding updates since February 27, 2020 and resident services adaptations during COVID-19 emergency (Discussion)
    2. Finance Committee Report on the finance and budgeting updates since February 27, 2020 and report back on discussion at April 30, 2020 finance committee meeting (Discussion)
  8. CONTRACT FOR APPROVAL: Remove and replace roof at Hartford Park Tower by Commercial Roofing with Contracting, Inc. using Capital Fund Program funding in the amount of $523,000 (Vote)
  9. ADJOURN (Vote)

Committee Meetings on April 30

Held prior to the 5:30 PM Board of Commissioners Meeting, the Finance and Resident Services Committees will meet.  For more information on those meetings, visit the RI Secretary of State’s Open Meetings website.



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Providence Housing Authority
