Report Fraud
The following Fraud Report Form is ONLY for cases involving Providence Housing Authority (PHA) tenants, landlords, or applicants. Any reports of fraud involvement with any organizations other than the PHA cannot be processed.
To report fraud please fill out the following form or contact Inspector Daniel Murphy at 401-709-2219 or
You may remain anonymous, HOWEVER, we prefer to speak to you because you may have more important information than you thought to share. Please leave your phone number. Also, please give us as much information about the case and individuals involved so that we may conduct a thorough investigation.
Important information that helps uncover fraud :
- Name(s) of the person/persons committing fraud
- Address where fraud is being committed
- Important and relevant information about the case
Fraud Cases Already Prosecuted by the PHA
Owner Living with Tenant
Each Person was charged with two FELONIES
A total payment of $15,600 must be paid through the court
Tenant Working Full Time and Claiming Only a Part Time Job
Individual was charged with a FELONY
A total of $77,000 must be paid to the US Department of Justice
Tenant Signed a Declaration of No Income While Working Full Time
Individual was charged in Federal Civil Court
Must pay a court penalty of $13,000
Tenant Signed a Declaration of No Income While Owning a Business
Individual was charged with a FELONLY and a MISDEMEANOR
A total payment of $11,061 must be paid to the court
Tenant Occupying Unit When Unit Wasn’t Primarily Residence
Individual Lied about family composition; Charged with a FELONY and MISDEMEANOR
A total payment of $50,000 must be paid